To prevent acne, you would need to take care of some of the aspects yourself. Following are the guidelines about preventive measures, which are not wholesome by any standard. You may add or ignore according to the advice of your health provider.
- Get eight hours of sleep at a stretch, if you can.
- Wash your face with fresh water at least twice a day.
- Try to get rid of undue mental stresses.
- Avoid undue exposure to sunrays.
Dietary Habits
- Eat on time
- Do not overload your stomach
- Use plenty of fresh fruit.
- Avoid fatty and acidic foodstuff. Occasional use is fine but do not use too much of it. If you are taking too much of acidic foodstuff and less of water, you are heading for acne and other troubles.
Females only
- If your menstrual cycle is not regular, you are a prospective candidate for acne. So do not take it lightly. Have it treated.
- In some parts of the world young girls use various concoctions to improve their complexion. Better remain away from poor quality cosmetics.
General Care
- Do not scratch, pick or squeeze the pimples. This is to prevent the scars.
- Follow the advice of your doctor and use only advised medicines.
- Do not use external applications unless you are sure of their safety.
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