What is Asthma?
Asthma is a disorder of the lungs obstructing the breathing process. The condition is caused by inflammation of the air passages, which narrows down or tightens them. As a result, free flow of air in to the lungs is impeded, making the breathing difficult. The sufferer feels suffocated. Asthma is not restricted to a particular age group or sex. Anyone can become asthmatic at any age but it is generally found in children and elderly persons. In females it is found proportionately much less. Asthma is neither a psychological condition nor contagious.
Asthma Symptoms
Symptoms of asthma are quite variable and not the same for everyone. Main indications are as follows:
- Suffocation. One feels breathless. In severe cases the sufferer feels as if the breathing would stop any moment.
- At times inspiration is impeded while at another, expiration is impeded. Generally one of these conditions is found at a time.
- Wheezing (sort of whistling sound), which may be audible even without a stethoscope and may occur during inspiration or expiration. At times there may be no wheezing at all but the chest might still feel constricted.
- Tightness of chest as if full of something or as if tied up externally by something with the feeling that chest cannot be expanded.
- These conditions may be accompanied by cough, which may be dry or with rattling sound of mucus.
Severity of the symptoms does not necessarily depend on how old is the case. It depends on cause and several other related factors. If the cause of asthma continues to persist, asthmatic condition would continue to aggravate with the passage of time. While planning the treatment, modalities must always be taken care of, which are different in every individual according to the type of asthma and should not be mixed up the symptoms. For example, in one person expectoration of mucus may relieve temporarily but in another it may give no relief at all. Similarly, a person may long for fresh air while in the room and want the windows open even in cold weather, with feelings that if windows are not opened, he/she would suffocate. This is a particular condition but is neither a symptom of asthma nor a psychological condition. It points to particular homeopathic medicines.
Getting out of breath with very little physical exertion may not necessarily indicate asthmatic condition. It could be due to other reasons calling for proper investigations. Sometimes the attack of asthma may subside with medicine whereas at times it may subside even without medicine. In advanced cases, emergency treatment may be necessary to relieve.
Causes of Asthma
Common causes but not limited to are:
- Allergies are one of the main causes of asthma. Allergy can frequently cause running nose and cough that may gradually develop in to asthma.
- Respiratory infections causing cough and increased production of mucus. In this condition, there is no running nose or sneezing but the chest is felt congested.
- Genetic factors causing asthma to run in the families.
- Lifestyle: Over use of modern facilities like air-conditioning and carpeting everywhere with negligible exposure to natural environments can lead to asthma. Such environments may especially increase the incidents of asthma in children.
- Dietary habits: Over use of processed foods and cold drinks, lower antioxidant intake with lack of exercise may contribute to the development of asthma.
- Smoking can lead to asthma.
- Continued indigestion, which is self explanatory.
- Occupational exposure: Exposure to certain chemicals, gases and dust in certain occupations may cause asthma with passage of time.
- A particular weather condition may cause respiratory problems in certain individuals.
There might be other causes in particular cases, which must be investigated so that the treatment and diet can be advised accordingly.
Common Triggers
The attack of asthma may start at any time under a particular condition or factor and may last for hours. Such conditions or factors are called triggers and differ from person to person. Triggers are not the causes of asthma. As the name implies, they trigger or start an attack or may worsen the already going on attack. Such triggers may include:
- Exposure to cold
- Physical exertion
- Lying down at night, especially after mid-night.
- Talking for a longer time
- Inhaling smoke particularly of cigarette
- Strong odors
- Dust
- Cold drinks
- Indigestion
- Cold bathing
- Weather changes
- Continued dry and cold weather
- Hot weather
- Humidity
- Asthma can also be triggered by emotional disturbance and mental stress
This list is not exhaustive and complete at all. There might be many other factors that may start or worsen the attack and might be very individual and specific in nature. Treatment of asthma should be planned keeping such factors in view but the treatment should be for the cause not for the trigger. Treatment for the trigger would mean catching the thread from the wrong end. For example, why a person gets the attack from exposure to cold or why the asthma of a person aggravates during humid or a particular weather condition is important. Find the reason and treat accordingly.
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