
Consultant of Health n Wealth issues member of DXN International Pakistan (Pvt)Ltd. For Contact wakhizri@yahoo.com


Consultant of Health n Wealth issues member of DXN International Pakistan (Pvt)Ltd. For Contact wakhizri@yahoo.com


Consultant of Health n Wealth issues member of DXN International Pakistan (Pvt)Ltd. For Contact wakhizri@yahoo.com


Consultant of Health n Wealth issues member of DXN International Pakistan (Pvt)Ltd. For Contact wakhizri@yahoo.com


Consultant of Health n Wealth issues member of DXN International Pakistan (Pvt)Ltd. For Contact wakhizri@yahoo.com

Monday, 28 March 2011

Prevention of Acne

To prevent acne, you would need to take care of some of the aspects yourself. Following are the guidelines about preventive measures, which are not wholesome by any standard. You may add or ignore according to the advice of your health provider.

- Get eight hours of sleep at a stretch, if you can.
- Wash your face with fresh water at least twice a day.
- Try to get rid of undue mental stresses.
- Avoid undue exposure to sunrays.

Dietary Habits
- Eat on time
- Do not overload your stomach
- Use plenty of fresh fruit.
- Avoid fatty and acidic foodstuff. Occasional use is fine but do not use too much of it. If you are taking too much of acidic foodstuff and less of water, you are heading for acne and other troubles.

Females only
- If your menstrual cycle is not regular, you are a prospective candidate for acne. So do not take it lightly. Have it treated.
- In some parts of the world young girls use various concoctions to improve their complexion. Better remain away from poor quality cosmetics.

General Care
- Do not scratch, pick or squeeze the pimples. This is to prevent the scars.
- Follow the advice of your doctor and use only advised medicines.
- Do not use external applications unless you are sure of their safety.

Treatment of Acne

Acne is not considered permanently curable by the modern medical system. The system offers various kinds of treatments that help in managing acne but do not provide long term relief. Since the exact cause of acne remains unknown, there is no suitable product or medicine that could cure acne permanently. The entire focus of orthodox medical system is on killing the bacteria and opening the pores using various kinds of antibiotics, antibacterials and other products, which provide short terms relief, not effective and permanent cure. The acne treatments include:
- Antibiotics and antibacterials for external use
- Oral medication
- Injections
- Retinoids
- Laser treatment, which (probably) does not provide permanent cure

Other Treatments

  • Herbal treatment is quite effective for treatment of acne and other skin diseases.
  • Chromotherapy might also be of help in controlling acne. You would need to explore this therapy.
  • Homeopathy has large number of medicines that are used for different conditions of acne and are capable of curing acne permanently. For homeopathic treatment detailed case taking is required covering the symptoms of disease and the personal symptoms which may have (apparently) no direct relationship with the disease but play an important role in the selection of proper homeopathic remedy. If you look up the details, you would find that homeopathic medicines cover very minute details, even those details that have no place in orthodox medical system. You need not worry about the side effects because homeopathic potencies are known for their safety. Remember that timely treatment of acne can save you the discomfort and possible scarring of the skin.

Some general tips, ways to control acne are:

- Astringents to remove the excess oil
- Use of antiseptic soap to destroy the acne bacteria
- Use of moisturizers
- Use of multi-vitamins and zinc rich diet
- Low fat intake
- Use of lot of water
- Taking care of various aspects of hygiene

Acne Causes

Acne is a common skin disease but modern medical science has not yet been able to find its exact cause. Mostly it is believed that incomplete metabolization of oil makes the dead skin cells sticky blocking the pores of the skin from where bacteria enters into the pores and causes infection and inflammation. If this is true then cause of acne is not bacteria but faulty metabolization of oil that provides a favorable ground to bacteria to harbor itself and cause the trouble. It is believed that dirt does not cause acne. Whatever be the cause, acne is mostly caused by internal disorder.

Dietary Habits

If we dig it out further, it leads back to inappropriate dietary habits but the modern science does not agree. Diet is not considered as a factor causing acne whereas actually it is. The fact is that whatever we eat or drink does affects our bodies. This can be observed and experienced by anyone, like you drink water and feel that your thirst is gone, take food and your hunger is satisfied. If your body is deficient of proteins, you take protein-rich diet and if your body needs carbohydrates, you make up the deficiency by taking appropriate diet. Following the same argument, if you stick to a particular type of diet for too long, it is bound to tell its effects and create various symptoms according to what you have been taking. Acne is no exception. It will occur when suitable situation is provided by particular dietary habits. It is a matter of finding out the items that cause and promote acne, which might slightly differ for different persons.

Defective Menstrual Cycle

Most of the young girls with defective menstrual cycle can get acne. If the periods are delayed and bleeding is less than normal with dark and clotted blood, the ground is ready for acne to appear.

Poor Hygiene:

Though it is not a major cause of acne yet it is one of the contributory factors.

Acne Types

What is Acne?

Acne is a term generally applied to eruptions on the skin like pimples, pustules, papules, nodules and small cysts etc. of varying characteristics. It is an inflammatory, papulopustular skin eruption occurring usually in or near the sebaceous glands on the face, neck, shoulders, upper back and other parts of the body. It involves bacterial breakdown of sebum into fatty acids irritating to surrounding subcutaneous tissues. Acne mostly affects the teenagers but is not restricted to this age group. It can occur in adults and middle-aged persons too. Acne is not a life threatening eruption but is quite troublesome and has great cosmetic value particularly if it occurs on uncovered parts of the body like face and neck. At times, particularly in severely aggravated cases, it may leave permanent scars on the skin.

Common Acne Types

Acne is of various types. At times acne is named by the location where it occurs like face acne, neck acne, chest acne and so on and similarly according to the age as for adult acne. Acne rosacea and acne vulgaris are the types that occur more commonly. Each type has its own characteristics. Some types are painful to touch but some are not. The eruptions may or may not have puss formation. Blackheads and whiteheads are also broadly categorized as acne.

Acne Rosacea:

A chronic form of acne seen in adults of all ages and associated with telangiectasia, especially of the nose, forehead and cheeks. It is characterized by small pimple on cheeks usually below the cheekbones accompanied by redness. This type occurs mostly in the adults and is at times called adult acne.

Acne Vulgaris (Acne Simplex):

A common form of acne seen predominantly in adolescents and young adults. Acne vulgaris is probably an effect of androgenic hormones (which stimulate the production of sebum) and Propionibacterium acnes in their follicle. It is said that it also results from the bacterial infection.

Some other types of acne are:

  • Acne Artificialis: An eruption in the skin caused by an external irritant such as tar or ingestion of halogen compounds.
  • Acne Cachectocorum: An eruption or irritation of the skin that may occur in patients who are very and debilitated. It is characterized by soft, mildly infiltrated pustular lesions.
  • Acne Conglobata: A sever form of acne with abscess, cyst, scar and keloid formation. Acne conglobata may affect the lower back, buttock and thighs, as well as the face and chest.
  • Acne Indurata: A pathological skin condition characterized by extensive papular lesions that often produce sever scars.
  • Acne Keratosa: A skin condition characterized by hard conic plugs that usually appear at the corners of the mouth and inflame surrounding tissue
  • Acne Necrotica Miliaris: A rare chronic type of folliculitis of the scalp occurring mostly in adults and characterized by tiny pustules.
  • Acne Papulosa: A common pathologic skin condition that develops small papular lesions that usually do not become inflamed. It is considered a papular form of acne vulgaris.

Hypotension Significance

What is Hypotension?

Hypotension means the blood pressure lower than normal. In the figure given below, the area shown in gray depicts the area of hypotension or low blood pressure. If systolic pressure falls below 110 mmHg and diastolic pressure falls below 70 mmHg, it will be considered as low blood pressure.Low blood pressure is found in persons of all ages, from teen age to old age. In my clinical experience, I have found that this condition exists most among the young adults particularly in young girls. Among such persons ailments like anemia, premature graying of hair with dryness of scalp, dryness of skin in general, vertigo, headache, weakness of vision, sneezing and subnormal body temperature may be commonly found.

Hypotension, low blood  pressure

Significance of hypotension

Modern medical science does not give as much importance to hypotension as to hypertension which is not right. Too low blood pressure can create an emergency. A person with this condition cannot be as efficient in routine life as a normal person. He/She would mostly feel tired, disinclined to work, with tendency to rest or to sleep for too long, wake up un-refreshed and become irritable. People with low blood pressure generally have subnormal body temperature too. Normal value of body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Centigrade). Any value below this is subnormal and should be taken care of but somehow this aspect is also not recognized by modern medical science. This condition calls for proper treatment and significant changes in the diet.

Hypotension Causes and Treatment

Causes of hypotension

There could be many causes of low blood pressure and associated subnormal body temperature but those commonly found are:

  • Temporary hypotension
    - Prolonged diarrhea or vomiting causing depletion of various salts from the body
    - Loss of vital fluids particularly excessive loss of blood due to any reason other than normal menstruation
    - Overwork and lack of rest may cause the blood pressure to drop temporarily
    - Fasting
  • Persistent hypotension
    - Insufficient nutrition due to anorexia or for whatever reason
    - Side effects of incorrect and over medication
    - Prolonged use of wrong set of dietary items. My observation is that incorrect diet is the most common cause of persistent hypotension. Most of the sufferers are usually not even aware of this cause.

Treatment of Hypotension

It may be observed from the cause(s) that hypotension is not a very complicated or difficult to treat condition but modern medical system does not have medicines that could quickly raise the blood pressure and body temperature. In fact subnormal body temperature does not sound an alarm to them.

At home, the blood pressure can be beneficially raised by using certain herbs and spices of daily use that are already present in the kitchens. Those herbs and spices have definite medicinal value and should therefore, be used with care. One would need to know what to use, how to use and how much to use. In certain conditions, even a teaspoonful of honey can give some relief.

There are homeopathic medicines, which can raise the blood pressure and body temperature in less than 45 minutes but for lasting cure, there is a proper way of treating this condition. Coupled with normal philosophy of taking all the symptoms in to account and treating the person as a whole, dietary habits must also be taken care of. At the clinic, when a case of feelings of general weakness, vertigo or headache is received, the practitioner should preferably check the blood pressure, body temperature and pulse before taking other symptoms. The values of these checks give a good indication of the condition and help in selecting the dose and potency of the medicine.

Hypertension Treatments

Hypertension Risk Factors

Persistent high blood pressure can cause enlargement (hypertrophy) of the heart. Once the heart is enlarged, it becomes extremely difficult to retrieve the original, natural size. Persistent high blood pressure can also damage the tissues like kidneys and eyes, may rupture the arteries and cause hemorrhage, increased the risk of stroke and also increased risk of becoming diabetic and this is not all that high blood pressure can do. Keep it as much under control as you can.

Treatment of Hypertension

The treatment should primarily depend on the cause. If the cause is removed, blood pressure would also become normal but if the cause is not known, as in case of essential hypertension, the treatment would only be palliative. It is said that once high blood pressure develops, it lasts for the lifetime. This opinion might not be true when the cause of hypertension is known and can be removed.

  • Modern medical system has the medicines that can effectively lower the blood pressure. The medicines are to be used regularly for lifetime along with other precautionary measures advised by the doctor. Such medicines provide reasonably effective but temporary control, not permanent cure.
  • Herbal medicines work the same way and usually have palliative effects.
  • Homeopathic medicines can provide reasonably effective control without side effects. If a medicine is chosen after detailed and careful study of overall symptoms of the individual, it can be treated effectively and might even be cured permanently.
  • Relaxation techniques like Reiki, Yoga and meditation can be helpful in reducing the blood pressure.
  • Alternative medicine like Acupressure, Acupuncture, chromotherapy are also known to have reputation in lowering the blood pressure.

Home Remedy for High Blood Pressure

Garlic and pepper are two items used very commonly in the kitchens but probably they do not draw as much of attention as they should. They can be used in various ways for different purposes. Garlic tends to dilate the arteries and pepper tends to reduce rigidity of the arteries. Both have a positive effect on blood pressure and can be used even individually. Given below is one of the ways to use the two items for hypertension:

Take three parts of fresh garlic, peeled off, to one part of pepper by weight (that is 75% garlic 25% pepper). Grind them together or individually and mix them up. Using half teaspoon of this mixture thrice a day for some time should give good relief. This ratio is not absolute and may be changed to suit the condition of the person. This tip is of general nature and should work for essential hypertension as well but if hypertension is due to dysfunction of kidneys or heart etcetera, it would be better to consult the doctor.


This mixture of garlic and pepper has no known side effects, yet you may use it at your own risk.


Whichever treatment system you choose, suitable changes in the lifestyle and dietary habits would be necessary. And don’t forget to monitor your BP on regular basis and follow the advice of your doctor.

Hypertension Symptoms

What is Hypertension

Hypertension is a term used for high blood pressure. Blood pressure in every human being has two limits: upper limit called “systolic” and the lower limit called “diastolic”. It is checked by an instrument called “sphygmomanometer” or blood pressure apparatus in plain language.

Systolic pressure occurs when the heart contracts to send blood to other parts of the body. In normal and healthy humans, this value should be around 120 mmHg in young people and up to 140 mmHg in elderly persons.

Diastolic pressure occurs when the heart expands to draw blood from the body. This value should normally be around 80 mmHg. Abnormal value can go up to 120 mmHg and even beyond. Any value above 85 mmHg is indicative of some sort of trouble with the system. There could be many reasons for a higher diastolic value. One of the reasons is atrophy of the heart.

The figure given below shows the range of blood pressure. In hypertension, diastolic pressure can rise to 110 mmHg and beyond. Similarly the systolic pressure can rise to 230 mmHg or more. In certain cases systolic pressure may be too high while diastolic pressure may be comparatively too low 220/70 (for example).

Hypertension, high blood  pressure, essential hypertension

Hypertension is not restricted to any particular region, community, race or gender. It is found all over the world and is usually considered a past middle age problem but can occasionally occur in young persons also. High blood pressure in young persons is probably not a disease by itself but an indication of something wrong elsewhere calling for thorough investigations. In most cases, blood pressure does not remain the same the whole day. It fluctuates according to what has been eaten, physical activity and emotional state. In certain cases, blood pressure rises during rest but drops after the person wakes and starts moving around.

Symptoms of Hypertension

Usual symptom is heaviness in the head and feelings of outward pressure in the ears. Some get a reddish face or feel their face hot. These symptoms are a blessing in the sense that one gets to feel that there is something wrong and can go to a doctor for check up. On the contrary, some persons feel nothing abnormal. They may not feel even mild headache or heaviness. This no-feeling condition is dangerous. By the time they feel something, the blood pressure may have already reached an undesirable and dangerous limit. Pulse rate may or may not increase during high blood pressure condition.

Types of Hypertension

There are several types of hypertension but most common types are:

  • Essential Hypertension
    It is said to have no known cause and is the most common type.
  • Secondary Hypertension
    It is caused by other diseases such as diabetes or dysfunction of other organs like kidneys. In addition to this, there are other causes too. If the cause is removed, blood pressure usually returns to normal.
  • Isolated Systolic Hypertension
    In this type of hypertension difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure is too wide. Homeopathic medicines can cure this condition.

Hypertension Causes

There are many factors that can contribute towards hypertension. At times the cause can be found but sometimes no particular cause can be found with certainty, like essential hypertension has no known cause. It is possible that there may be more than one factor(s) causing high blood pressure. It is thought that essential hypertension is usually of genetic origin and is untreatable. This is as of today but as the research goes on, the cause and treatment of essential hypertension may be found one day. Common causes of hypertension are:
  • Condition of the arteries: With age, the arteries tend to lose their flexibility, become comparatively rigid and fail to support the required expansion during a systole. Effective internal diameter may reduce due to some reason. High cholesterol level is one of the causes of this reduction.
  • Sudden emotional disturbance: At times the blood pressure may suddenly shoot up due to sudden and serious emotional disturbance as in case of a shocking news. In such cases, the blood pressure may return to normal as the person becomes emotionally calm. Such person may not be called hypertensive.
  • Continued mental stress can gradually make a person hypertensive even without other related factors.
  • Excessive intake of salt
  • Dysfunction of the kidneys
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body
  • Inherited predisposition. In some families high blood pressure has been found to run for no apparent cause.
  • Obesity (Weight loss)
  • Excessive use of medicines or side effects of some medicines may raise the blood pressure.
  • Dietary habits. Certain food items and fat-rich diet can raise the blood pressure, specially if the use is continuous or prolonged.
  • Lack of exercise, insufficient physical activity.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Heart: Common Diseases

Heart is one of those major organs of the body, on which depends the life. Out of all the important organs, people are more conscious about this organ. Upon diagnosis of a heart related ailment, they become excessively cautious and worried. This is because the heart can fail suddenly, leaving no time for evacuation to a hospital. In certain cases, by the time the medical care is available the patient passes away. Therefore, becoming careful is fine, one should, but undue worry is not required. It can only aggravate the problem.

Common Complaints

There are many diseases/ailments related with heart. Some of the common complaints are Angina Pectoris, Coronary Thrombosis, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Excessive (even violent) Palpitation, Hypertension (not necessarily due to a heart disease), Hypotension (not necessarily due to a heart disease), Ischemic Heart Disease, Congenital Heart Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Dilation (enlargement or hypertrophy of heart) which is usually the result of persistent hypertension, Pain and uneasiness in heart area, Atrophy of heart, High systolic pressure with a comparatively low diastolic pressure, Diseases related with valves including stenosis and regurgitation, Septal Defect (mostly by birth, found in children), Endocarditis, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Heart Murmur and Dyspnea or palpitation on little exertion.

Each disease has its own symptoms associated with it but at times there may be no visible symptom. I have seen a patient (over 50 years of age) of coronary thrombosis playing cricket regularly but feeling nothing abnormal. The condition was detected during a thorough medical check up when he had it done thinking that since he has crossed 50 years of age, he should have himself checked up. So, while the symptoms are a good indication of what is happening, clinical tests may be necessary for diagnosis in certain cases. Take care of your heart but do not worry or be too much conscious of it. Have your medical check up done for timely information if anything unwanted is brewing.

Coronary thrombosis is a common condition found mainly in those who eat meat in excess particularly fried and roasted meat. Spicy food, acidic drinks, excessive use of tea and coffee, and food containing too much of fats have also been found to contribute towards this ailment. Some years back “heart bypass surgery” was perhaps the only quick cure for coronary thrombosis available with orthodox medical system but in the recent years new techniques have come up that can cure it. Coronary thrombosis can also be effectively cleared in 3 to 6 months by homeopathic medicines as well as simple home remedies.

Heart Diseases & Solution

It is not very common to go for homeopathic treatment for heart diseases for the reason that most people are not aware or sure of efficacy of homeopathy, particularly for heart diseases. Due to unawareness, they don’t want to take chances and prefer to go to Cardiologists and remain on medication all their life. For coronary thrombosis they prefer to undergo surgery not appreciating that the arteries could get blocked again any time after five to seven years of the surgery. Some people consult homeopaths but generally as last option. By that time, many complications set in making the treatment difficult.

Homeopathy has very effective treatment for most of the heart related ailments. The advantage of homeopathy is that it goes by symptoms and takes in to consideration much more details than any other healing system. Since each disease has its own peculiar symptoms, symptomatic approach automatically takes care of underlying cause. Most of those who received homeopathic treatment have benefited a great deal. It helps in a quicker and much better way. For example, angina pain can be relieved in less than 20 minutes. This is the result given by about 90% of our patients. The blood pressure can be lowered effectively and quickly (in 30 to 40 minutes). Follow-up treatment of course has to be given for some time in all the cases, according to gravity and nature of the case. However, this does not mean that every heart disease would yield as promptly. Different diseases take different time. Diseases like coronary thrombosis, ischemic heart disease and a few others would take longer time for satisfactory cure.

Homeopathic Mother Tincture CRATAEGUS is a good tonic for the heart but like all other medicines, it should only be used on advice from a doctor.


  • Undue delay in getting the treatment can result in to complications, making the cure difficult with every passing day. Therefore, obviously the first recommendation is that if you have any heart related complaint, consult a doctor without delay.
  • You should choose a treatment system that can cure conveniently without side effects, not just palliate.
  • Each individual is a special and unique person and must be treated accordingly. Give full details of your case to your homeopath to enable him/her to work out your prescription correctly.
  • Go strictly by the advice of your doctor. Do not make changes to your diet or medicines on your own.
  • Take care of your health but do not worry about it. Undue worries aggravate the disease. The requirement is to remain cool, get rid of any mental tensions and go for a proper and regular treatment.
  • Keep a watch on your pulse for timely indications.

Diet Precautions:

Diet for every heart related ailment is not always the same. Follow the advice of your doctor.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Reishi mushroom

Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) is particularly beneficial for individuals with asthma and other respiratory complaints. "It has a healing effect on the lungs. Reishi is good for respiratory strength and for coughing.
For four millenia, the Chinese and Japanese have used reishi mushroom as a medicine for liver disorders, hypertension, and arthritis. Through in vitro and human studies, today's researchers have found that reishi has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant properties. In vitro experiments also indicate that reishi may help fight cancer tumors.

Reishi mushroom also has non-material benefits. Beinfield explains, "Reishi is said to elevate the spirit; it's a mood-elevating substance." Traditionally, reishi is believed to help transform the individual into a more spiritual being. Just as mushrooms transform decayed material on the ground into life-giving nourishment, reishi converts metabolic and psychic waster (hostility and other negative feelings), thereby raising the spirit and unshackling the mind. Individuals can consume reishi every day to support immune function, peace of mind, and physical vigor.

Asthma: Prevention and Treatment

Prevention of Asthma

Asthma is a condition that may not be possible to prevent completely but to a great extent one can reduce the suffering and misery associated with it. Following points may be worth consideration.

  • You have to find out what triggers your asthma. As far as possible, avoid the condition that triggers it.
  • Avoid food items, which create mucus in excess. The diet must be changed according to the type of asthma. Remember that diet precautions are not the same for all types of asthma.
  • If you catch cold and have running nose, do not try to stop the flow too rapidly.
  • If you have an allergy that causes irritation of respiratory system, have it treated properly. Do not postpone till tomorrow.
  • If you live in cold climate, try to keep your body warm as far as possible.
  • If the cause is climatic, see if you can change over to a suitable climate. Most of the times and for most of the people, it may not be possible at all to migrate and live in a different climate but it is a factor that can be considered.

Treatment of Asthma

Asthma is one of those diseases that do not have permanent cure in modern medicine whereas it can actually be cured by various alternative medicines.

There are two types of treatment, those that provide instant but temporary relief and those that gradually cure and prevent further attacks. Modern medical system has good palliative treatment but nothing for permanent cure.

Temporary Relief

Nebulizers and/or inhalers provide temporary relief. In addition, the sufferer may feel relieved temporarily by one or more of the conditions, which are differ from person to person like triggers. These are motion, sitting up straight, bending forward, sitting up with head bent backward, belching, expectoration, vomiting, defecation, taking a hot drink, or any other condition specific to the individual.

Permanent Cure

  • Allopathic system can manage and palliate the asthmatic condition but has no cure for asthma.
  • Herbal treatment can provide very effective and permanent cure of asthma.
  • Homeopathy has a number of medicines that can treat various conditions of asthma according to modalities. Asthma can be cured permanently if treatment is planned keeping all the modalities in view. In homeopathy, factors and conditions that aggravate or give relief are called modalities, which vary from individual to individual. This precision makes cure of asthma much easier and mostly successful with lasting cure. There is no harm in exploring the system to see if it would be suitable to treat your asthmatic conditions.
  • Acupuncture is also said to be effective for permanent treatment of asthma.

Asthma Types, Categories

Asthma Types, Categories

There are different types of asthma. At one time, asthma was divided in following two categories:
— Extrinsic (allergic) asthma
— Intrinsic asthma (non-allergic) asthma, but that was a very broad categorization.

Now the categories have been revised as follows:
— Extrinsic (allergic) asthma
— Intrinsic asthma (non-allergic) asthma
— Exercise-induced
— Nocturnal
— Occupational
— Cough-variant asthma
— Steroid-resistant asthma
— Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
— Asthma triad
and perhaps more

Asthma may also be categorized according to its characteristics as:
— Humid asthma
— Dry asthma and
— Congestive asthma

Depending on the nature of expectoration of mucus, asthma may be categorized as follows::
Free, fluent and in abundance
— Almost checked or very little
— Thick and intermittent. At times the expectoration may be thick or hard in shape of small balls.

Similarly there could be other ways of categorizing the asthma but what is more important is how the physician of a particular healing system understands it and whether he has the skill and means to treat it successfully.


What is Asthma?

Asthma is a disorder of the lungs obstructing the breathing process. The condition is caused by inflammation of the air passages, which narrows down or tightens them. As a result, free flow of air in to the lungs is impeded, making the breathing difficult. The sufferer feels suffocated. Asthma is not restricted to a particular age group or sex. Anyone can become asthmatic at any age but it is generally found in children and elderly persons. In females it is found proportionately much less. Asthma is neither a psychological condition nor contagious.

Asthma Symptoms

Symptoms of asthma are quite variable and not the same for everyone. Main indications are as follows:

  • Suffocation. One feels breathless. In severe cases the sufferer feels as if the breathing would stop any moment.
  • At times inspiration is impeded while at another, expiration is impeded. Generally one of these conditions is found at a time.
  • Wheezing (sort of whistling sound), which may be audible even without a stethoscope and may occur during inspiration or expiration. At times there may be no wheezing at all but the chest might still feel constricted.
  • Tightness of chest as if full of something or as if tied up externally by something with the feeling that chest cannot be expanded.
  • These conditions may be accompanied by cough, which may be dry or with rattling sound of mucus.

Severity of the symptoms does not necessarily depend on how old is the case. It depends on cause and several other related factors. If the cause of asthma continues to persist, asthmatic condition would continue to aggravate with the passage of time. While planning the treatment, modalities must always be taken care of, which are different in every individual according to the type of asthma and should not be mixed up the symptoms. For example, in one person expectoration of mucus may relieve temporarily but in another it may give no relief at all. Similarly, a person may long for fresh air while in the room and want the windows open even in cold weather, with feelings that if windows are not opened, he/she would suffocate. This is a particular condition but is neither a symptom of asthma nor a psychological condition. It points to particular homeopathic medicines.

Getting out of breath with very little physical exertion may not necessarily indicate asthmatic condition. It could be due to other reasons calling for proper investigations. Sometimes the attack of asthma may subside with medicine whereas at times it may subside even without medicine. In advanced cases, emergency treatment may be necessary to relieve.

Causes of Asthma

Common causes but not limited to are:

  • Allergies are one of the main causes of asthma. Allergy can frequently cause running nose and cough that may gradually develop in to asthma.
  • Respiratory infections causing cough and increased production of mucus. In this condition, there is no running nose or sneezing but the chest is felt congested.
  • Genetic factors causing asthma to run in the families.
  • Lifestyle: Over use of modern facilities like air-conditioning and carpeting everywhere with negligible exposure to natural environments can lead to asthma. Such environments may especially increase the incidents of asthma in children.
  • Dietary habits: Over use of processed foods and cold drinks, lower antioxidant intake with lack of exercise may contribute to the development of asthma.
  • Smoking can lead to asthma.
  • Continued indigestion, which is self explanatory.
  • Occupational exposure: Exposure to certain chemicals, gases and dust in certain occupations may cause asthma with passage of time.
  • A particular weather condition may cause respiratory problems in certain individuals.

There might be other causes in particular cases, which must be investigated so that the treatment and diet can be advised accordingly.

Common Triggers

The attack of asthma may start at any time under a particular condition or factor and may last for hours. Such conditions or factors are called triggers and differ from person to person. Triggers are not the causes of asthma. As the name implies, they trigger or start an attack or may worsen the already going on attack. Such triggers may include:

  • Exposure to cold
  • Physical exertion
  • Lying down at night, especially after mid-night.
  • Talking for a longer time
  • Inhaling smoke particularly of cigarette
  • Strong odors
  • Dust
  • Cold drinks
  • Indigestion
  • Cold bathing
  • Weather changes
  • Continued dry and cold weather
  • Hot weather
  • Humidity
  • Asthma can also be triggered by emotional disturbance and mental stress

This list is not exhaustive and complete at all. There might be many other factors that may start or worsen the attack and might be very individual and specific in nature. Treatment of asthma should be planned keeping such factors in view but the treatment should be for the cause not for the trigger. Treatment for the trigger would mean catching the thread from the wrong end. For example, why a person gets the attack from exposure to cold or why the asthma of a person aggravates during humid or a particular weather condition is important. Find the reason and treat accordingly.