Use of herbs and herbal therapies has been an integral part of the Asian life and culture from time immemorial. China, India and Japan have their distinct herbal therapies, which have been used to prevent and cure many ailments and disease.

The use of herbs and herbal nutritional supplements has now been widely accepted by the western society. It is surprising and ironical that West is now embracing herbal therapies with enthusiasm while east is more inclined more towards contemporary medicine.In this context, perhaps ganoderma is one herbal product that has held its pre-eminent importance in the pharmacopoeia of China and Japan. With increasing research and clinical trials proving its efficacy in a wide range of disease prevention and control, west has shown a keen interest in this mysterious herb.
Benefits of Ganoderma is not just as a nutritional supplement but it is a miraculous herb for its health giving properties. Ganoderma is an anti-aging natural food that actually help prevent as well as help reverse many diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, cardiac problems to mention a few of the major benefits of ganoderma where clinical trials have consistently established its efficacy.
Benefits of Ganoderma is not just as a nutritional supplement but it is a miraculous herb for its health giving properties. Ganoderma is an anti-aging natural food that actually help prevent as well as help reverse many diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, cardiac problems to mention a few of the major benefits of ganoderma where clinical trials have consistently established its efficacy.
Traditionally, ganoderma grew in dense humid forests on fallen trees in the ratio of 3 to 4 trees out of maybe ten thousand. The Chinese kings sought them out and only the royalty had the access to the rare mushrooms.
With the passage of time and the highest degree of curative properties ascribed to the ganoderma by the traditional Chinese medicinal textbooks, research for growing the rare mushrooms began in earnest in China and Japan.
Cultivation of ganodrma has been attempted for centuries with least success due to the complexity of the environment and nutrient required to grow the ganoderma mushrooms.
During 1970 breakthrough was made by a noted Japanese researcher Yukio Naoi of Kyoto University in growing the ganoderma. Since then the ganoderma mushroom began to be grown in quantity and quality but not enough to meet the demand yet. Another Noteworthy contribution to growing ganoderma has been by Dr. Lim Siow Jin a well know researcher and originator of Ganotherapy. He perfected the growing of Ganoderma in a controlled environment. He is a recognized authority on this unique herb and its health giving properties.
Benefits of ganoderma as herbal and nutritional supplement
It is the best adaptogen known to man and works on the cellular level. It is not disease specific but health specific and works in balancing the body functions, removes toxins and overall retards the aging process.
Ganoderma is classified as a food supplement by most countries, so there is no dosage restriction and can be had in any quantity without side effects. It is also suitable for consumption for all ages from a newborn baby to the most invalid or aged persons with visible improvements in health.
This is also perhaps the only single herbal source, which is rich in medicinal components such as Polysaccharides, Organic Germanium, Adenosine, triterpenoids and ganoderic essence.
Ganoderma is non-toxic and non-addictive.
The Ganoderma herb does not interact with other lines of treatment. It complements the same.
Many leading universities and research institutions are working to establish the efficacy of ganoderma and its curative properties with clinical trials. The internet has made available an abundance of research papers and details of clinical trials for those interested.
However, it is difficult for the extensive commercialization of ganoderma as a prescription drug due to it being a herb and a plant source which pharmaceutical companies may not be able to patent.
Leaving out the medicinal issues, ganoderma is undoubtedly a herb that needs to be part of every persons diet as an excellent nutritional supplement and a preventive herb for the many health hazards faced by the modern society.
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